Presented PhD research at Design Dialogues ArcInTex: Shaping (un)common grounds
The ability to measure and store data, combined with changes on the functionality of smart textiles over time opens a new world of opportunities. However, it requires an eclectic blend of disciplines (e.g. textile developers, fashion designers, software and electrical engineers, interaction designers, architects, and service providers) to work closely together.
Often the most interesting new things happen at the edge of what we know. Especially when these edges cross-over to other unknown areas. But what happens when the edges of these areas start to overlap? In ArcInTex we do just that. We explore how the edges of these domains can connect in inspiring and meaningful ways. Within ArcInTex we want to shape a stronger common ground while still exploring the un-common grounds of other disciplines.
Where are smart textiles going? This track will consist of a series of design dialogues and presentations (from Industry, PhD students and leading researchers). The dialogues will be articulated by means of existing examples (PhD and Industry work) in an exhibition setting. The materials for the exhibition will be partially gathered from the ArcInTex travelling exhibition. Chairs: Stephan Wensveen & Pierre Levy, Kristi Kuusk (Exhibition).
Video has always been a great way to portrait interactive products. This track will host from movies and fashion films to design documentaries and advertisements that relate to Architecture, Interaction Design and Textiles. An open call will be used to gather the material to be shown. We expect a variety of submissions ranging from researchers, students, companies, artists, and institutions. Chairs: Oscar Tomico & Danielle Wilde
Baltan Laboratories and TU/e Wearable Senses will curate a series of workshops during the week where industrial partners, PhD students, artists and other people interested in smart textiles for wearables, interior and architecture can meet each other, demonstrate their work, and share knowledge by actively working together.
Chairs: Martijn ten Bhömer & Josune Arizti